Monday, September 24, 2007

Pumpkins and Fountain Fun

Abby loves the pumpkin we just got for the porch. She is distraught that it has to stay outside so she will stand at the door and say "abby pump" which I guess means that Abby really wants to go outside now and see the pumpkin?

Today she finally braved the downtown fountains after the rest of the playgroup had finished playing and was ready to go picnic. She loved it! I guess she just had to warm up to the idea. Notice I didn't even attempt a swimsuit this time since she wouldn't go near the water a few weeks ago. All things in their own time...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Portraits made finally

We finally took Abby in for some portraits seeing how 18 months sounds like a good milestone age. She hadn't been in since she was 6 months. So a year later she really enjoyed herself. These are pics from the CD. The ones I ordered are even better!! If she wasn't so cute I wouldn't have gone overboard. Oh well!!

Jones Look-alike Meter

Saw this on a friend's blog, so we had to try it out. Turns out Abby looks a tiny bit more like me after all, even if it's only by 8%.

Monday, September 17, 2007

18 months old!

Abby is 18 months old now! Hard to believe how fast it's gone by. She stood still briefly before church on Sunday so I could take some pictures. I love her many faces!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Highlights from our Labor Day weekend included a visit from Meme & Poppy Davison, construction of an arbor over our patio, and Abby and her friend Grace deciding to swim in their clothes!