Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Memories

Well it went by in a blur, but we had a wonderful Christmas. We are so thankful for Jesus our Savior! It was a beautiful, white Christmas thanks to some late day snow. They LOVED playing in it the next day. The kids loved their new toys of course, but really enjoyed all the things we did to celebrate the true reason for the season. I'm thankful for new family traditions and memories being made.

3 weeks old already!

Time is flying by! Finally the littlest Peanut here is gaining some good weight. Must be from all the yummy stuff I ate at Christmas!! I love sleeping pictures!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

We're surviving and thriving...sort of!!

The kids got to meet Santa at Abby's school. I think that it was her first time actually sitting on his lap. McAlister decided to forego his first opportunity!!

Blaire survived her 1st week in the chaos of our home. We're all really tired, but so thankful for her...and even more thankful for Christmas coming up and celebrating our Savior's birthday. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday to McAlister!

The day we got home from the hospital we had to party it up for McAlister's 2nd birthday. Some of our family was still in town to help celebrate our baby boy's entrance to the terrible twos!! He's really a sweet boy though! He LOVES puppy dogs so that was our party theme. I love how he's cheering on the singing of the birthday song and loving that all the attention is for him. When he sings it he says, "happy birthday to me"!!

Blaire Allyn Jones

It's a GIRL!! After 9 months of not knowing...SHE is here! Blaire was born at 8:24am on December 9th via c-section. She weighed in at 6lbs 10ozs and was 19.25 inches long. We obviously think she's the most beautiful, precious little baby ever! What a fun, early Christmas blessing. The kids adore her and are constantly asking to hold the new baby. We adore our family and thank God for his rich blessings poured out on us thru the miracle of children.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Spirit

Tree shopping wasn't as glamorous this year as I hope it might be in the future. I want to go to a tree farm some day and cut one down. But with my big belly we opted for picking one up at a stand closest to our house. We love frasier firs and wanted to get all decorated early in case baby #3 made an early debut. We are ready now! Bring on the baby and bring on baby Jesus' birthday celebration!

38 week belly shot

Downtown Christmas parade...cold, but fun!

"Mice on Main"

Thanksgiving weekend we finally made it downtown to do the little "Mice on Main" scavenger hunt. It was super cute to see the kids get all excited about finding each one of the mice...and admittedly I got excited, too! I love downtown Greenville!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baby Watch :)

Can't believe we're only 2.5 weeks away from meeting Baby Jones #3!!! This picture might skew your vote about whether #3 is a boy or girl. Seems like we might need another boy in the family after many moments in the playroom end up like this:

At least I have some great future rehearsal dinner pictures!!

The Joy of Leaves

Love, love, love the fall leaf colors all around right now. Love, love, love seeing my kids play in the piles. My favorite pic ended up being the one of them covering their ears b/c they think Daddy's leaf blower is so loud!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Catching up

Here's some more fall fun. Better late than never Halloween pics of my 2 little pumpkins. I must say I was extremely grateful for all the chocolate they were able to bring into my life after going trick-or-treating in my parent's new neighborhood.

School costume cute!

Dance class finale

Some future soccer players???

Favorite evening activity = playing horsey with Daddy