Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Spirit

Tree shopping wasn't as glamorous this year as I hope it might be in the future. I want to go to a tree farm some day and cut one down. But with my big belly we opted for picking one up at a stand closest to our house. We love frasier firs and wanted to get all decorated early in case baby #3 made an early debut. We are ready now! Bring on the baby and bring on baby Jesus' birthday celebration!

38 week belly shot

Downtown Christmas parade...cold, but fun!

1 comment:

Captured said...

You look so beautiful in the pic of you standing by the tree. Hope that I look at least 1/2 as good as you one day when I am pregnant - let alone literally ready to deliver! :) Sad that I missed seeing you guys at the parade - I passed right by you! But I was truckin through there looking for Ben (he was in the parade with the Boy Scouts) and I ended up basically missing the entire thing. But,that is just another story in my book of "epic failures." Oh well. Glad you guys had fun!