Sunday, February 6, 2011

Paci days so long, farewell...

Thursday marked the end of the paci. I loved the way he put it in upside down every time. He traded it for his 1st scooter. He's done okay during naps and bedtime. However, today seemed like the end of naps. I was singing "it's the end of the nap as we know it, and I'm not fine!" (do people remember that REM hit?) Then he went outside to 'play'. Fresh air and a swing must be a recipe for a nap when the paci is gone!


Betsy said...

that's hilarious in the swing! i hope he'll still keep napping for you. i still make will take a nap most days. i can't do it without it. if not, put abby in charge of him so you can have a few mins to yourself :)

Allison Bickers said...

oh my goodness, that is too cute! And hilarious.

frances lightcap said...

that's so funny!!