Thursday, October 9, 2008

keeping a straight face...

Sometimes we have nap issues...most of you know this. Well today after she had sang and played and started to yell after 45 minutes I decided to go in and remind her it was indeed naptime. And how do I find her? Naked! And how do you keep a straight face when there she is in all her glory, clothes piled nicely on the table and her sitting on her pillow very proudly. I'd need an instant replay to know for sure, but I think I did smile and then went into lecture mode as I redressed her and put her back down. And she did take her nap thankfully. I guess sometimes you just need a little adventure before naptime!!

These are the moments I hope I never forget...


Anonymous said...

That is awesome...I can just see it now.... =)

Betsy said...

that's when you're thankful that she's being potty trained and didn't pee all over the bed! too funny.

Brandi said...

My 3 yr old anna did the same thing except she did have on a pink feather boa! I was so amused!!

stephanie said...

hilarious! i love that my child isn't the only "creative, resourceful" one out there! i love reading your blog...taryn!

stephanie said...

hilarious! i love that my child isn't the only "creative, resourceful" one out there! i love reading your blog...taryn!

Allison Bickers said...

I laughed out loud at my desk! That's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

The apples dont fall far from the tree do they Taryn