Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Recent stuff

We are pretty tired around this household, but we're enjoying life and thankful for spring weather! Here's some recent fun:

Fairy Godmother Special K made Abby a princess dress and mailed it to her. Thank goodness it's so beautiful b/c I better get used to seeing it all day, every day!

This is what I found while checking on Abby during dinner preparation the other night...playing in the weeding container...whatever works!

Our driveway is now paved! They left some equipment overnight and you know we had to try it out!

My 3 favorite people...finally a great pic of them with there DaddyO! I think McAlister is tiring of my picture taking already!


The Anderson Family said...

Does bunny have her own dress? Gorgeous girl!

Sally said...

love the weeding container - we should re-market that thing as a way for mom to get something done for a few minutes... lol!