Tuesday, September 15, 2009

3 and a 1/2 years big!

My first baby is 3.5 tomorrow! Wow, we're on our way to 4 really fast. She is so funny. We have days where we wonder what planet she dropped from, but mostly she is a joy to be around. She recently had a sleepover with a friend...and it actually went well or let's say it could have gone worse! She adores McAlister, unless he's in her toys or getting too much of my attention. She really likes to play outside anytime it rains. Happy 1/2 birthday baby girl!

9 months old!!

So this photo shoot is the first one with the teddy bear that did not go well. That's what happens with mobility I guess. I should have opted for these progressive pics to be in a chair rather than lying down...lesson learned. He was much happier when standing! 9 months have flown by. He's been out as long as he was in now! We love him so much and enjoy watching him learn about life. He LOVES his big sister, loves to eat, sleeps pretty well, crawls and pulls up too well for my liking yet (b/c it seems like toilets are just the right size for pulling up on--gross!), is verbally loud (gagaga and mamamama can reach high volumes!), and really enjoys a good laugh!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sky Top apple picking days again!

Mmmmm...mmmmm...good! The apples this year are so delicious! My parents were in town for Labor Day weekend and we enjoyed a morning of picking, eating, and picnicking once again. McAlister loved his first Sky Top trip and his first apple. And we'll all be enjoying them for awhile now since we brought home so many. I look forward to my apple or two each day! Stephen asked me if I'm trying to keep him away?!! Heehee!

Cute little boy

He seriously melts my heart with his sweet little face, his crawling and pulling up on things and his sticky, food smeared hair.


Abby is officially in 3K now...2 days a week. I can hardly believe she's old enough and yet some days I feel like she's been a part of my life forever. She seems to be enjoying Ms. Anne's class so far. She's excited about the toys, the crafts, the snacks, the playground, etc. It's weird to realize that other people can influence her life and her little mind. All her 3.5 years of life I've attempted to shield her from things I guess. It's the first of many letting go episodes...

Let the 1st day of school picture taking eye rolling begin!