Saturday, December 1, 2007

Greenville's Downtown Parade

Tonight was the Christmas parade downtown. We forgot to go last year because it snuck up so fast on us. This year I was prepared. We went with the Anderson family and had fun watching the kids faces when they saw the marching bands, the dogs, the horses (see below for the pic of the largest horse any of us had ever seen!), and even a camel and a llama....yes, nothing gets me in the holiday spirit quite like a llama, how about you? Abby enjoyed seeing the Chick-fil-a cow to which she exclaimed, "Oh my goodness!" I loved hearing all the Christmas tunes. The parade got me in a festive mood to decorate our tree....which may or may not come crashing down any minute. It's a little on the crooked and wobbly side for some reason?

1 comment:

The Anderson Family said...

The tree looks great! Much straighter than when we saw it :) I'm going to put more parade pics and a video of Abby and Ethan dancing on our blog - check it out!