Wednesday, April 30, 2008

WV trip and Abby's 1st Pedicure!

I didn't take my camera on our WV trip because my mother-in-law (Hi Special K!) takes wonderful pictures so I knew I didn't need it! We had a great trip, not the car ride part, but everything else was grand. Grandmother Polly's birthday was fun and we were able to see so many of our friends in Huntington. My dear friend Angela drove from Lexington, KY so I could see her precious new baby boy. It was even Youth Sunday at church so I got to see how much the youth have changed and grown over the years. We wish WV wasn't so far away!!!

About a week before our trip Abby kept commenting on my toenails "Dat bootiful mommy. Paint mines." So after multiple attempts and her finally deciding not to be scared of the little paintbrush...we ended up with her first pedicure! She's so proud of her toes!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rainboots and ponytails!

This weekend was our annual mulching weekend :( I forgot to take a picture of the pile that was bigger than our car, but I have the soreness to remember it by well enough! Abby was so excited about the "big pile" and "help daddy mulch" so I told her we'd go outside if she got her tennis shoes on. She came to me with her rainboots on the wrong cute!! And notice the hair...we have finally been able to do the little top ponytail thing...but only a few times when she'll tolerate the idea. After a long weekend we have 30 new azaleas, 4 new crepe myrtles, and 10 cubic yards of mulch spread out to make our yard more beautiful. Thanks to Stephen for his big time manual labor on one of his few weekends off work....what dedication to curb appeal!!! I haven't taken any after pics yet though.

Surprise visit!

Aunt Sarah and Uncle Amos stopped by Friday afternoon. Abby loved playing with them. Amos and Abby decided to "strike a pose" that turned into a really humorous photo shoot....she will imitate anything you do!

Artist at work

Abby is loving painting when I oblige and get the messy stuff out some days!! And yes Special K this masterpiece is for you! Our paper plate pallet is a lot of fun!

Serious artist:

Stressed artist:

Now if only we could make some money off these originals!


Here are the tulip pics I threatend to post. I just thought they were so pretty since they weren't half eaten this year. I'm constantly in awe of God's creation...the uniqueness and creativity in each flower.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

We're still here...

I realized it's been about 2 weeks since I've posted anything. We're obviously not at a stand still in the Jones household, but I guess nothing newsy has happened and I haven't taken any pictures!! We're excited that our tulips actually bloomed this year instead of being eaten by squirrels or there's some exciting news for you! Stephen's recently started practicing with the worship band at church and really enjoys being plugged back into music in that way. Things are running smoothly at the practice these days thanks to a new office manager. Abby and I stay busy with playdates and various activities. We are ready to play outside more now! This week Abby and I both picked up some sort of cold or maybe allergies...supposedly Greenville is the worst place in the country in terms of allergens...great! I really do LOVE springtime though and watching our yard come alive...maybe I'll take some pics of the tulips!

One other thing I've been doing is making a video of pictures for Stephen's grandmother's 81st birthday. I love old pics and this is one of my favorite ones. Polly is a really sweet lady and we are looking forward to traveling to Huntington soon to celebrate with her.