Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Do they look alike?

In an effort to answer everyone's #1 question "Does McAlister look like Abby when she was little?"...I think the answer is certain times and from certain angles. So I found a few pics of Abby from around the same age (the baldness gave it away...they definitely both share that phenomenon of hair loss!)

McAlister snoozing
Abby snoozing

Let me know what you think?! We can definitely tell that they are related, but she seemed more delicate and he seems more dude-like...but maybe it's because we knew she was a girl and he's a boy! As for the #2 question of "Does he look more like Stephen or Taryn?"...we have no idea right now!

Abby with paci
McAlister with paci


Betsy said...

i do think they look alike, especially their eyes. mcalister's cheeks are a little fuller maybe, but they definitely resemble and you can tell they're brother and sister. it will be fun to see them as they grow!

Chris and Emily said...

Wow!! I think they look a lot alike. More so then I was expecting. Isn't crazy though how you can just see the "boyness" and the "girlness" already at such a young age.

Look alike or not, they're both adorable!!!!