Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today I'm just thankful!

I am thankful Abby is napping well today...which has really improved the past month.

I finished up a great Beth Moore study today..."Beloved Disciple"...and am thankful for how its overall theme reminded me that God loves me. God desires me to be planted firmly by his river of life-giving water so I can abide in that love and nourish others with that same love.

I've been catching up on some friends blogs and I'm thankful for the way they've challenged and encouraged me on some of God's truths.

I'm thankful for the past couple of days I got to spend with my old college roommate (love you Ames!). There are few people who you can hardly ever see, but can reconnect with so easily.

I'm thankful for my sister's upcoming wedding and getting to walk alongside her on this journey of marriage.

I'm thankful that I think I have finally felt peanut #2 moving around inside me.

Hope you all are experiencing the abundance of things you can be thankful for today.

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