Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Potty Boot Camp...

So we decided to get serious about potty training to see if Abby's really ready yet. We're hoping she's ready before our baby boy gets here in December! So I pumped it up for about a week...she helped make a sticker chart, we bought skittles and lemonade, checked out "Go Potty Go" from the library, we got out her new panties and her baby that pees, etc. She was so excited about "potty time" that she told everyone about she saw about it. So this Monday was start day...and this Monday was also Abby has a high fever and diarrhea day :( We still started our training...and it's been going okay. Much better today on day 3. It actually rained some this morning and so we took a snack (and the potty) outside. She seems to be having fun and really likes her panties, but can't seem to always make it to the potty in time. I honestly think she is just enjoying my undivided attention b/c I don't leave her alone much while she's wearing her big girl panties!! We'll keep trying and if it's not going well, we'll revisit boot camp again in a few weeks. I welcome any and all suggestions!!!


The Anderson Family said...

Those will be great pictures and stories when she's all grown up! Glad to hear today is going better. Hang in there - it'll be worth it!

tlhp259 said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures and story! I have NO great advice except I am proud of you for trying:) Keep us informed about how things go.