Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rainy Day Cookies!!

Our playgroup came over today. I hadn't hosted in forever since our neighborhood doesn't have a pool. But we knew we'd have glorious, needed rain today so Logan led the kids in cookie baking 101. They all took turns scooping, scraping, and dumping ingredients in a secret Logan recipe for "playgroup crazies" cookies. They were yummy!! The kitchen is all back to being "clean" and we all got to have some extra cookies for later. We LOVE our playgroup!!!

We tried to get a picture of all them together...they wouldn't look at the camera so we tried letting the mixer get their attention. I think a few were frightened!!

Avery being sweet to Abby (yep! it was a successful panty morning!)

1st bite of finished product, after lunch of course!

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